My Great-grandfather Henry Columbus Branson Jr.
He lived from March 27, 1862 to Jan 9, 1921.
On the 1900 census of Liberty County GA, there is Henry Columbus Branson born 1861 age 39 and wife Matilda M Ryals born
1863 age 36. Six children with five living.
The children are Arthur born 1882 age 17, Walter born 1885 age
15, Lola born 1890 age 10, Daniel born 1893 age 7 and Virgil born 1896 age 3. My guess is that the child who died would
have been born around 1887.
On the 1910 census of Liberty County GA
Henry Columbus Branson aged 48. Now married to Francis (Fannie)
age 26. Their children living with them, are:
Daniel now age 17, Virgil Edgar now age13, His children with Fannie:
Lillie V age 8, Henry Columbus age 4, San W age 3 and Thomas R age 1.
Henry's second wife was Francis Middleton. She was born May 15, 1885, They married October 15, 1900. She was the granddaughter
of Robert J Middleton born May 15, 1829 and died June 25, 1909. Her parents were Frances B Middleton and Geneva H.F. Murray.
Louise who was the daughter of Lola Branson and Robert J. Middleton ran a general store in Sunbury Georgia. I have fond
memories of visiting her.